5 Staging Mistakes Home Sellers Make

stageIn the real estate world, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to prepping a home to be viewed and sold, it’s important to stage it in a way that maximizes its appeal to the broadest number of target buyers.

This can be challenging, however, because staging your home is an investment not every home seller can afford. Because of this, many sellers turn staging their home into a do-it-yourself project which can either turn out great or…not.

Here are five staging mistakes home sellers make:

1) Using beat up or ugly furnishings and décor

Avoid this by keeping your staging message clean and simple to highlight space.

2) Creating distracting themes and scenes

The goal is for buyers to be able to visualize moving in, so avoid scenes that distract or deter them from this.

3) The house is neither clean nor clutter-free

No matter how well a home is staged, piles of clothes, mail or dishes deactivate the power of home selling.

4) There are glaring gaps

It is important to ensure that there aren’t any rooms in your home that look like the stager missed. This includes bedrooms, garages, and closets.

5) The seller lacked a neutral, expert eye

When decorating a home, owners customize it with specific tastes. When staging a home, it is important to remember to neutralize the home’s look so it appeals to more buyers.